It’s been a week since my last post. A lot has happened but it never seemed like it was enough to write about. Even though I didn’t feel like it was worth anything to maybe someone else, everything that happened in the last week meant something to me.
It’s almost impossible to write about everything that happened but here are a few highlights.
I was reading Todd’s blog on Tuesday and read some disturbing news that happened to him and his family that day. It wasn’t anything life threatening, but if you were in their shoes how would any of us reacted in this case. Every thing that could have gone wrong that day did. From sick children, to kids getting in dog poo, to getting a migrane, a presentation that would not save and had to be redone 3 times, one of the kids almost passing out on stage (because they were feeling ill and over heating), to a bloody nose, to the presentation that had been done 3 times not working when needed, and to top it all off the vehicle broken into and all of the electronics that were left in the van that also had priceless memories on them. They just didn’t lose stuff but memories on 2 cameras and movies and work on a laptop.
As you can see everything that would have gone wrong, did. But in all of that the family kept going through the day. They just let each thing pass behind them and moved on. I kept thinking to myself, am I strong enough to pull out a day like that? They were all in good spirits about it all. I don’t know that if that happened to me that I would have stayed that calm. It really goes to show you that how close you are to God the stronger you are when “Life Happens”.
As I evaluated my relationship with God, as I often do, I kept thinking about their day. How would have I responded throughout the day and how would I have responded the next morning to find all of the electronics missing with the precious memories from special events. I am sure I would have been saying to myself, that’s what I get for disobeying God. But, Todd and his family took it as a compliment. A compliment? Ok maybe not completely like a compliment but an encouragement that God had a hold of their life and it was a spiritual warfare going on that day. God kept a hold of them and helped them through the day while the devil kept trying to throw obstacles in front of them. Even after the day was over, the devil took one more shot by stealing their electronics. In the end God still prevailed and their faith was even stronger because of it. Now if you ask them, I am not sure what they would say but God used them as a testimony for other, including me. What I saw and heard was that all in all God is triumphant over all evil. That we Can do ALL things through Christ, who gives us strength. Phillipians 4:13.
I guess this is one of the main reasons I continue going to church, even tho some days I don’t feel like I have enough strength to move. It’s families like Todd’s and others at the church that continue to show me how their Faith and continued desire to follow Christ pulls each of them and us through anything and everything. Good and bad.
Served opened my eyes to ways to serve others. It has been an amazing week. I have actually thought about stepping out of my comfort zone instead of putting on the blinders. I know it’s not a complete turn around, but God also didn’t make the world in one day either. It also seems that I pray alot for others more lately too. I don’t necessarily get on my knees and take hours to do it, but someone will come to mind and I just say a quick prayer for each person I think about. It’s really cool to just tell God that I love these people and for God to help them where they need it most. I have prayed a lot for some co-workers and friends of mine this week. One of my co-workers had a death in the family and I know how that pain feels. It’s one of the worst feelings any one of us will ever go through. I kept thinking that if they Knew Christ they could celebrate instead of mourning. They would be able to celebrate that they were no long in pain and with God, and would one day get to see them again.
I also have been saying prayers for a family that is dear to me and my family. I don’t know how to help them and I know that they have to learn to let God do His thing, instead of them trying to do it all and letting God help a little. I know that if they would only get back into the swing of things at church, they would be closer to God. I just keep praying that the strength of God will work through them and guide them where they need to be in life. I just hope that I can continue to share what God is doing in my life and if they really start letting go they could really begin to live as God wants them to live.
I don’t remember ever feeling like loving people like this before. I don’t ever remember in my life, feeling like someone else is in control of my life and believing it. God has done so many things in my life. He continues to show me HE is REAL! He continues to take away my doubts and fears. He continues to bless me and my family. He continues being the One constant thing in my life. It’s awesome to know that I and you all have some one to lean on and trust that they will always be there. Even when our families and friends fail us, we have God as our constant.
God really worked some kind of miracle this week for my and my family in the finance department. We had over spent on the checking account and waiting for a check to clear. The check still had not cleared the bank and my pay check went in before all the late fees would have hit. Praise God for letting a business hold our check a couple days more. Now that it is memorial day weekend, I expect that check will clear next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Something else funny happened, ok maybe not funny but interesting to say the least. I had a run in with a bill this week. I told them I would pay on Friday when I got paid, now usually I tell collectors that I will and never do, and actually called on Friday and paid the bill. That itself is amazing. Now, I have to ask for forgiveness. I was dealing with a very large company, and their call center I think was in another country. The agents on the phone had horrible grammar and a very odd accent and I would have to ask the same question more than 2 times to get them to understand what I was asking. It was very frustrating. It was also frustrating that no one could give me any information about what the heck was going on or who they were. It was very frustrating not being able to verify anything that was documented or said. Finally, I was able to verify what the amount was and when I was going to pay it. I know I said some harsh things and questioned the integrity of the company. I spent probably about an hour and a half just trying to make arrangement and adjustments for a $22 bill. Yeah, a $22 bill. I think the point of all the conversations it was the principle and the integrity of what was right and wrong. No I should not have said some of the things I said, but I will say this, in the past, I would have tore them up worse than I did this time. So I guess that’s part of “Growing Up” and becoming more mature and also letting God keep me at bay during it. Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t condone what I did, but I did see the changes from my past behavior to this even. I am recognizing the change and growth. That’s another thing that I God has taught me, not to dwell on the negative things and to learn from our mistakes, move on and focus on the good that was in it.
I also have been doing a lot of thinking about where God is taking me in my journey of life. I know He has something awesome planned. I don’t know what yet, but I am learning patience. I have learned that in the the Bible, it took Paul (aka Saul) 12 years to start preaching. From the time of Saul’s encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus to the first Preaching of the Gospel. He studied God’s word. He learned to overcome fears. He also learned the Word well enough that any time he was persecuted he was still able to teach in prisons and become an inspiration to the new churches at that time. God doesn’t say, ok you are mine now and then push us out into the world without training. It took Paul 12 years to train. It took Jesus 30 years to prepare for his Greatness. Noah was 600 years old when built the ark. Moses wandered the dessert for years before his greatness. All the great men and women in the Bible didn’t just one day choose to follow God and then the next day show up with and ark, or part the Red Sea. They all trained. They all learned God’s word and God taught them first before heading out into historical greatness.What makes us think we can do in a week, month or just a year. Our hearts, minds and souls are in constant training mode with God when we let Him teach us. I am thankful that I am learning more and more everyday.
God continues to WOW me and Amaze me with his love and kindness. God continues to challenge my way of thinking and challenge me to Trust Him more. He continues to allow me to learn different types of emotions and pain to learn how to deal with things better the next time. I had an instance about 11 days ago, I had questions because I was confused about something, normally I would have not said anything, but I didn’t. I went to my brother in Christ and asked for clarification. I am so happy that I did otherwise I would have made myself miserable for weeks about it. I can see that God is changing me everyday. Little by little.
I am so glad I have chosen to be on God’s team. I am so thankful that he allows me to Serve and Praise Him. He is the Almighty, Everlasting, Counselor, Creator, and Father of ALL.
Thanks for catching up with me. I will try to get some entries in sooner instead of waiting for a week to write. Thank you for reading.
God Bless you and your Family
In Christ’s Everlasting Love
Learning Everyday!