Monday, May 5, 2008

Writing / Money

Writing blogs daily is little more than I had bargained for. It has become hard to get into the habit. I did read some blogs today that reminded me that I should write everyday and read everyday. Now both I have stuggled with for a very very long time. So reading and writting have always been a weakness.

I kinda messed up some things I had originally did for the Adult Sunday School class forum. I was trying to upgrade it and in the process lost it all. So basically I am back to square one with that project. I tried restoring it and I could not log in. So therefore I just deleted it. I still have all the files I posted and information, but the original setup took about 8 hours. I am not looking forward to have to redo it all over again. However this time, I think I will leave the theme colors alone. I think I spent a whole 3 days the last time just working on the colors. I have realized that it is the content that is more important. Oh well!

I watched a sermon today from Spring Hill Church about money. Spring Hill Church is a very large church, 8000 members. Now I don’t know if all of these people show up every week or what, but anyways, compared to the church I attend its extremely huge. OK so back to the point I wanted to make. The pastor made some very good points when it comes to our money. First, everything we have is on loan or borrowed, the cars, money, house, furniture, ect… We can’t take it when we die and we did not have it when we were born. We come and leave this world with nothing. Everything in our possesion was a gift from God. That’s right, God. God gave us the means and talents to earn what we have. God allowed us to have what we have. So if all of it is God’s then why aren’t some people giving it all to God. We often worship money before God. How do we worship money before God? Easy, do you worry about your financial situation, do always want a little more money, do we compare ourselves to what other people have, do we not allow God to tell us what to do with our money? If you answered “Yes” to any of these, then you could be worshiping money before God. Now I am guilty as the next person. It is hard to give God complete control of your wallet and finances. Money causes a lot of issues with so many people. The leading cause of marital problems is over money. What if we let God have complete control? What would happen? We don’t know. I know that scares me, not knowing. However, if we trully trust God to do what he said he would do, then we have nothing to worry about. Putting faith in God to take control of our finances is the only way we will ever have peace over money.
I know for me, I can’t stand money. I wish money didn’t exist. I have to let God take over. Sometimes I get so close and then I shy away. Why? Trust issues I imagine. I trust God with so many aspects of my life but I have not been able to give up complete control over money. I can only begin to let go of that control when I put God first in everything I do. EVERYTHING!
Thanks for reading.
In Christ’s Love

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