I really believe God is moving Todd in a direction like no other. I really believe God has put Todd in front of us for a Revolution that has just begun. If this is only the beginning, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I have heard so many talking about this event, how excited they are and how ready they are to do this.
On another subject… Earlier this week, I let things get out of control in my head. I let my thoughts go to the worse scenario there was. You know when you get that “Constructive Criticism”. Well that’s what I got at first, but really didn’t understand what was going on. Normally in these types of cases, I just let things fester and build up and never say anything. Not this time! I went and asked for more clarification. Even though, I was thinking positive and negative thoughts, the negative thoughts were winning at that moment. I am glad I asked. I really did make a mountain out of a mole hill. The person I talked to explained to me what the vision was. Now that I understand, I started moving forward. I have a new focus on the task at hand and know better now where to go with it.
I know was vague in to what happened and who it involved, but the point I am trying to make is… (1) Don’t make mountains out of mole hills (2) Go to the person or persons involved and get clarification (3) Don’t be scared to ask for clarification, miscommunication happens all the time (4) Even though it’s harder to do the right thing, in the long run, things work out for the better, AND (5) If the criticism is coming from someone you care about, and you know they care about you, then even if the words don’t come out right, rely on the fact that they love you and would not give you advice if they feel you didn’t need it.
Sorry for not writing the last couple of days, I have not felt very well lately and have just not had the strength to talk about things lately. It was exhausting just getting through each day.
As always, thanks for reading.
In Christ’s Love
Learning Everyday!
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