Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Mowing is a lot like our relationship with God.
OK so I want to make a point here but I think I am just going to point out the obvious.
Grass = our Lives or how we live
Weeds = Sin
Length of Grass = How we live - are we cut to the right length or are we growing out of control
When it’s time to get our yard back in order after it has grown 3 feet high and full of weeds, we have to work even harder at getting things back in order. If we take small sections of our lives (areas of grass) and mow, we can see how we have improved our lives. We trim next to the house and around bushes, driveways, ect… Cleaning up the yard is hard work sometimes. Once we get our grass back under control, we can then focus on keeping up with the yard. Keeping it cut regularly means discipline. Keeping our lives in check or in order. Even though we can cut the weeds down to size they are still there. Getting rid of weeds can take some work too. Different weeds take different killers and procedures to get rid of them. Sometimes we even kill the grass around the weeds. That is kind of like killing part of our self identity. When that part of the grass becomes dead we must seed it with good seed. Trading sin for good habits. Of course while focusing on the weeds we must continue to keep up with the rest of the yard. Keeping the grass mowed and trimmed so the rest of our lives don’t get out of control. It seems to be easier to tackle small areas of our lives at a time or small areas of our yards at a time. Can you imagine how tired you would be if you cut the tall grass all in one day? Ok maybe if you have a small yard it wouldn’t be to bad but think about the size of your yard compared to how long you have been alive. If you wait until you are 30ish to start trimming your yard. You will have a lot more work than maybe someone 1/2 your age (theoretically). Just follow me on this for now. Lets’ say a 30 year old has 1/4 acre. Now thats quite a bit of mowing to do compared to only 1/8 like a 15 year old would have. The longer we wait to get our lives in check with God the more mowing and weeding will have to be done to achieve righteousness with God.

So once we have our grass in order and our lives in order its easier to keep the grass mowed and focus on God. Once all the weeds have been killed and replaced with good seed or grass (good habits) it is easier to just keep the grass mowed. We also know that after all that hard work if we let the grass get too long, weeds start to show up again and we could be right back to where we started before we cleaned up our lives. We learn discipline and we learn how to let God guide us instead of sin. Of course letting the grass grow and the weeds grow requires no work, but think of how ugly your yard will look. If your life is full of sin and never pruned or taken care of, how lovable do you think you will be when you get older? How do you think your relationships with your family and friends will be?

God is our weed killer, lawn mower, gas and trimmer. He gives us all the tools, power, abilities and a User’s Manual (The Bible) to allow us to clean up our yards. He even gives us the desire to search Him out. Once we get started we get to have regular maintenance done. And every now and then we get an oil change. He is always filling us with gas to keep us going. As we get older with God and our lives clean God allows us to get riding lawn mowers that are bigger and better. He upgrades our tools to keep our grass mowed and clean. Sometimes, God even sends his helpers to mow our grass for us.

I don’t know anyone else that will show us how to manage our lives, how to keep our lives in order, how to cut sin out, how to keep our tools in good working order, how to achieve upgrades, and how to live life better for Him.

The next time you mow your lawn, ask yourself if you have weeds that need killing and where some good grass seed can go. Ask yourself if you need to have some maintenance done on your life. Ask to see if it is time for an upgrade or some hire help. If you ask you might just find yourself in a better place than before and closer to Him.

I am working on my yard, are you?

Thanks for reading
In Christ’s Love

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