Wednesday, December 10, 2008

$10 Can save a life

This is so weird that I am not sure how to start.

Last week I felt that God was leading me to a "Gas" ministry of some sort. It was a heavy burden that I find a gas station that had gas gift cards. I hear Todd and Renee talk about how several people come to the church for help with groceries and/or gas needs. So I finally found a place that would do some pre-paid gas vouchers. They normally don't do anything like that but since I was getting them for the church and it was for a special type of need, they agreed to do it. So I purchased 3 $10 gas vouchers from Human's BP on Western Avenue here in Knoxville. I took them back to the church and Renee put them in an envelope somewhere so when someone came in for a need they could use those. It was important that the money was for gas and not anything else. With certain types of gift cards people can buy things they don't need. I used to do it myself. If I needed cash, sometimes I would purchase things that were NOT necessary to keep going. So again, I wanted to make sure it was very specific. Gas Only!

Today I asked if anyone had come in with a need yet for the gas. I wanted to make sure they didn't need more and also to see what kind of weekly need we might be looking at. Later Renee told me someone came to the church and they were on the way to the hospital with an immediate family member in the car that was having a heart attack and they did not have enough gas to get to the ER. They stopped at church to see if we could fill that need. (This part gave me chills) Because we had those vouchers, someone was able to get their loved one to the hospital. All because we were able to provide an immediate need. I still get chills and tears of gladness that we were able to help someone. $10 saved a life tonight by getting someone to the hospital at a most crucial moment.

I look back on this and think, God knew someone would need it. Even though I just felt an urge to fill a need for someone. This need was beyond just getting to the store or going to a family members house, ect... This was a medical emergency need. As I reflect on last Wednesday when this started, I didn't really know why I had such a burden to buy gas for someone. Tonight God saved another life. I am so overjoyed that I actually listened to God and He showed me why it was important to listen. I really don't want this to sound like it was me who did anything except listen and obey. God had his hand on this before anyone could see what would come of it.

I have this overwhelming emotion of joy and thankfulness. There are so many times I don't listen and this again just shows me what God can do when someone listens. What if we all just listened and obeyed? What if? My prayer is that I continue to listen and obey. God has continued to show me what He is capable of over the last several months. Its like a big NEON sign in the front of my face.

God has just really blessed our family. And I can see the great Joy it is to just listen and obey. Our blessings may not be monetary, but there is definitely no shortcomings of Joy lately and the awesome feeling of being thankful for all that we have and DON'T have.

Remember, to you it might be a strain on the pocket book, but to someone else it may be their loved one's life you can save.

$10 saved a life today. What else does God have in store for us? I can't wait to find out.

May God bless you and speak to you,

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