Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Sunday

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Well it is still Sunday for another hour or so. Went to church alone this morning. I had my Sunday school material all filled out and ready. Tammy and Sam brought bagels and sticky bun cake. They were both really good. Most of our class went to the Franklin Graham Festival Saturday night when Toby Mac and Group 1 Crew played. It was funny to hear how the their kids (teenagers) were not singing or dancing or doing anything crazy but sitting there listening. The parents were surprised to see their kids not get excited as they thought they would. They also said that had the parents not been there they are sure they would have been more loose and excited. Anyways…. The lesson started and Sam wanted me to read at the same time he was reading. I got shy and didn’t read with him. He called me out in the middle of it. LOL Anyways it was supposed to make a point of being disorderly. God is a God of order and peace. The lesson went on and we talked about how the Corinthians (Corinth Church) was being disorderly and that Worship would last all day. Paul was making a point to let only a couple speak and for the Worship to be to the point and not let drag on all day with chaos. Paul also mentioned that singing, preaching, and interpretation done for God will strengthen the church. Paul wanted the church to be strengthened by order during Worship.

Sunday morning service with Todd. Todd has been talking about being a "Breakout Church", not a mega church or a big church but a Church that follows God according to His Word and Will. During the sermon I realized that some of the things I have been struggling with have really been because of a mindset. I realized that the reason I am not moving forward is because of a mindset. I want to do things to be recognized by other members, to feel encouraged and to have them notice I am walking closer with God. Well, it is not for them to recognize that. It is for God to recognize it. Everything should be done because God inspires us with a passion to serve. Serving out of obligation doesn’t make God happy. God wants us to serve with a joyful heart. He wants us to serve because it pleases God not man.

Hearing Todd speak this morning was humbling. I pray that God will change my heart and mind. I know it will be a struggle, but as long as I continue to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me each day He will. I believe God is still working on me and changing me just a little everyday. I can see that God has a purpose for my life. I can see that God is leading me in a direction, destination unknown. I don’t care where he takes me, because once I get there, I know God will say, "This is only the beginning". I will continue to learn but actually doing what God has put me here for. Sometimes I wish I could attend church everyday and just drown myself in God without distractions. I wish there was a God camp, so to speak. You know, like "The Biggest Loser" type of thing. I know the more I pray and listen the faster I change. God has revealed himself to me in so many ways this week. He continues to just show me where I need to change and where I need to refocus.

The biggest thing I struggle with the most is the commandment "Thou shall have no other Gods Before me". I think I will save this one also for another day. I would say I break this commandment more than any other everyday.

God Bless you all for reading. I pray that God uses me with this blog to touch other peoples lives and continue to show my struggles and God moments. Being a Christian was never promised to be easy, but to be continuous choices to follow our Father.

Good Nite,


Learning Everyday!

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