Monday, May 26, 2008


Todd mentioned that we all have heroes. That made me start thinking of people I look up to. Even though one of my heroes is Jesus, I wanted to mention some heroes I see at church on a regular basis and why they are my heroes.

My hero basis is someone who continues to do the right thing, who does what others won’t do, and does it with all their heart. As I name off some of my heroes, I don’t want anyone to think that I have placed anyone above Jesus. These people have shown me strength in different areas. Some of them show strength in their faith and their relationship with Christ. Anyways, I think you get the point.

These are not in any particular order.

  • My Dad. He has gone through so many health obstacles and keeps on going. He has shown me that even though things may slow us down, it does not stop us. He has shown so much strength during so much. The man has lost both legs, has a heart condition, diabetes, blind in the left eye and other things. That seems like a lot for any one person to go through. He just continues to live and be an example of strength in my life.
  • Todd H. Todd is the pastor at WLBC. He continues to push and lead. I know he is not perfect. It’s actually nice to see someone come out strong through different obstacles in daily living. This last week especially, with all that happened at the beginning of last week. WOW. He is creative in leading. He continues to show his walk with Christ. You can see the relationship grow with in him. It’s amazing to watch anyone walk with Christ. They teach us how to get to the next step. Kind of like a ranking system. As a leader he always appears to be ahead of the group so we know where to go. I thank God for sending Todd to lead. Todd also is a great father and husband. I only wish to be a small fraction of what he does. I know that with time, and a closer walk with Christ that will come. In the mean time, Todd is an inspiration to that part of my life. Todd is just a simple guy who loves his family and God.
  • Jeff J. Jeff is funny. He is a lot like me in many ways. He reminds me of the things I do. He reminds me of the way I talk or present myself to others. Some times I try too hard and wind up leaving out the important stuff. I am learning how to present myself differently. Jeff also has an amazing love for Christ. You can see him also deal with daily temptations and obstacles and he relies on Christ for strength. He is so great with kids. He wears his heart on his sleeve and it shows.
  • My Mom. I miss my Mom. She passed away back in September of 1995. She was a woman of God. She loved Jesus more than life itself. She never stopped loving God. You could see that God was her strength. Even when she was crippled with her legs, she found ways of helping in church and working for God. She was great at typing and bookwork. She stayed at the same place of employment until her health kept her from it. She was married to one man all of her life. She was a good servant to her family. She planned the reunion for our family every year. She knew birthdays, anniversaries, and would keep everyone updated. She was also very good at balancing the check book and keeping the finances in order. She knew how to save every penny she could. When she passed she passed on a small but sufficient nest egg. She knew how to pray. She knew how to Love everyone unconditionally. She knew how to love until the end. Even during her last days, she continued to never doubt her faith in Jesus. She knew where she was going.
  • Sam R. What can I say about Sam? He is always busy with activities with his family and always seems to have a good ear. He is a good father and husband. He really knows how to listen. He is laid back and just seems at peace with everything around him. It’s almost like nothing could frazzle him. He seems to be the one who is always praying. You can tell he prays with expectations and that prayers are answered before they are asked. He kinda has like a prayer heart on his sleeve. Sam is almost like another father figure in my life. He has been where I have been or knows where I am coming from. He always seems to know the right thing to say.
  • So I have mentioned a few of my heroes and why. I learn from each of them every time I get to see, hear, or talk with them. I am so thankful God has placed me where I am today. God has surrounded me with his Warriors and Saints. I know that my heroes are also very humble and don’t categorize themselves in any such fashion as I just did. I just hope they realize that they are affecting others in their daily lives and that what they do, does matter and does make a difference. Even if it is only one person listening or paying attention. I hope they also know how much I appreciate them.

    I have other heroes in my life and I will share some more later this week. I have many more. God has brought me to a place in my life where He is showing me His work in others and what I can learn from each of them. Like I said yesterday. God has me in training mode. I can’t wait to learn more.

    God Bless you and your families.
    In Christ’s Love
    Learning Everyday!

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