Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Heroes #2

I would like to continue sharing about my Heroes. I have realized that everyone in my life is a hero is some sort of fashion. I’ve learned that even though some people are ugly and not fun to be around, once you get to know them, there is a small part that we can learn from. I believe that most people want to be good in their lives, but lack guidance and/or encouragement.

Again no particular order.

  • Michele J. My wife. She loves me for me. She accepts me for who I am and still loves me. She allows me to be who I want to be and supports me. She has become an inspiration to me lately because everything she has gone through in the last several months, she continues to push forward. She continues to want to improve her way of life. She is an excellent mother and wife, even if she doesn’t think so. I love her more everyday.
  • Jacque J. My step-mom. She takes very good of my father. She loves my son with all of her heart. She even accepts me like family. She has a big heart and loves my Dad very much. I am thankful that my Dad has someone like Jacque. She is always trying to spoil my son. It drives me crazy with some things that she does for Brandon, but she does it with all her heart. She also does it to tease me too, which just goes to show how much she cares for me and Michele. And no I didn’t mean that sarcastically. I was being serious. Her way of showing affection is by teasing. It’s fun & harmless teasing.
  • Brandon. My son. He loves life. He is full of energy and loves the outdoors. I love watching him grow. Its amazing to see him change every day. He has friends and cares about them and wants to spend time with them. He loves God. Even when I think the little devil inside of him peeks through, he always seems to let his light show right after it. He really is an awesome kid. I am so lucky to have a special child as him in my life. Brandon just keeps surprising me with his interests and hobbies. I am proud to call him my son.
  • I know I have more heroes, but I am tired and ready to pass out for bed. Today was a very busy day at work. They offered overtime, but I declined again. I haven’t been feeling very good lately and the thought of working over or taking 1/2 hour lunches, I think would make me more tired. I am excited that I have this Saturday off from work. I get to watch Brandon play ball again. I hope I can remember to take my camera with me. He then has a party afterwards at Mr Gatti’s Pizza.

    Thanks for reading.
    God Bless you all.
    In Christ’s Love,
    Learning Everyday!

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