Monday, July 21, 2008

Long Time

Yes it has been a long time since I have written anything. I have come to the realization, that writing everyday was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I actually came to a point where I was uninspired, or had writers block. Whatever you wanna call it. Anyways, I thought I would share something about today.

This morning at church Todd talked about dreams. 1. We have to have "Courage" to voice our dreams and to share those dreams with others. 2. It takes "Action" to move our dreams into reality. 3. "Persistence", we must stay persistent, it is our dream and we must continue to keep the dream alive and inspire others to continue the dream.

How true is all of this? I believe it to be completely true. It really hit home to me. It really made me realize that I have not made any of my dreams a reality. I have never taken the courage to put my dream out there, let alone any action or persistence. I never got past the first part of making a dream a reality. You know those dreams we had as kids, the ones where we saved the world, go to the moon, sing as a rock star, or become the best sports player. As we grew older we let our limitations hold us back. But with GOD there are no limitations when we let God be in control of our dreams. Todd asked us to keep dreaming for the church. To allow God to direct us in ministries and new opportunities to reach out, serve, love and grow.

On of my dreams in the last year was to be able to sing at church. I know that really seems weird for some people that know me. But for me I have always enjoyed singing. God has gifted me with a fairly decent voice and the ability to sing to Him. I was able to share what God has given to me tonight. I sang a song by Rich Mullins. It was amazing to know how many people knew the song. I had just encountered the song about a month ago. So during practice, I was pretty nervous. And even during our worship time I was nervous, but when it was time, God gave me the strength to sing with out any nerves and God's voice rang through. It was pretty awesome.

I will share more about that song and why I chose it at another time. It's late but I wanted to get something out there again.

Thanks for reading.
God Bless
"Learning Daily"

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