Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Funny Happenings

This last week has just been full of Funny Happenings.

I don't know if anyone else would call them funny, but they have definitely made me chuckle and smile a lot. I guess more so today things have been funny but anyways....

Today at work, I was walking by a co-worker and they asked me if I was having fun. Having just gotten off a call that we had a good time on, I of course said "Yes". My co-worker asked if I had an upgrade. I was totally tossed for a second, and thought he was referring to our software that we use. I looked back with confusement and said, "No". He then asked me why I was having fun, I said, Life is too short not to let all these little things bring us down. He nodded his head as if agreed and I went on my way smiling.

Anyone that knows me, knows I tend to be a smartelic often. Gee really? Ya think? HA HA.
Lately, I have been just cracking up with my customers. I had one the other day that was trying to get their modem activated with a CD we give them. It wasn't working. I asked them if they were eating peanut butter or not? They seemed to be confused, I continued with that they had to eat a peanut butter sandwich when installing our software because it held your mouth just right. Of course after that they started laughing. You know those times when you just keep trying and someone says you have to hold your mouth just right. HA HA. Anyways my customer seemed to get a kick out of it.

Lately, I have wanted to make people smile with me on the phone. Sometimes in the job I am in, the conversations can get so dull and dry and boring. Sometimes its harder with some people but I at least try and see if they bite. If they don't bite I just continue on with my dry boring self. **SIGH!**

Back to TODAY. This morning we had a flat tire. We have had no luck with tires this past year and it was just funny. Earlier this year I had a flat and lost it. I spent over 2 hours crying over something that just couldn't be avoided. Since then, I laugh every time it happens. Why Not laugh. Its funny. Who else do you know has to replace their tires over 12 times in a year. LOL So Michele was like, "How can you stay so calm?". I said, I am not sure. I just know that it will work out one way or another. I kept reassuring her that we had been through worse. I guess I just trusted that God would provide a way. The tire place behind us "Po-Boys Used Tires" is generally out of the size I need for my truck. This morning I decided to call them before driving on a flat to go see them. I didn't want to have to tow my truck a couple hundred feet back to the house. They did have the size I needed. So me and the truck bounced down the road. If any of you have ever had a flat tire and driven on it, you know it bounces you like a ride at the amusement park. LOL I got over there and got a tire. The tire they hooked me up with is almost as good as my 2 other New tires. LOL

Ok and the last thing that is making me chuckle these days besides saying the word "chuckle", LOL, is Brandon is E-Mailing people. More so his grandparents but still. His verbiage is so unlike what I expected. He can actually write a decent email and sound good doing it. He almost e-mails like a pro. Him and his Grammy and Grandma Jacque and been communicating back and forth and it's hilarious to read these emails. Brandon just thinks of the obvious things that we often seem to forget. Like there was a reference that my dad could not take his "hoveround' type wheel chair out in the snow because of the battery pack. So Brandon just pops up with, what about a cover for it. Gee why didn't we ever think of that. Of course they don't make covers to protect his battery, but what if they did? Sometimes I think we just need to ask our children what they think about things. They just state the obvious and the most simplest answers. We seem to over analyze and complicate things. Know I now why Jesus wants us to have faith like Children. Children just believe without question and they make it that simple and as adults we complicate things.

When I was a child, I was told that I would grow up and complicate things. I never thought I would complicate things. I always just had that simple faith. As an adult, I have to admit there are a lot of times I complicate things. There are so many reasons why, but mostly because our minds get poisoned by the TV and the computer and other things in our lives. People influence us on a daily basis. Anyways.... I have learned this week from my own child to remember to just keep it simple.

Brandon is truly amazing a lot of times. He just blows me away. I am so thankful and blessed that we have Brandon in our lives. He really is a gift from God. No one else but God can put someone that special in our daily paths of life.

Hope all is well with you and your families.
God Bless!

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