Thursday, October 23, 2008


You know, For a long time I considered prayer to be, umm.... well not worth my time. I never really saw any results of my prayer in the past.
Over the last several months, I have had a change of heart.
I wish I could remember where it is, but God said to pray and to believe that you will receive. We can all pray and "believe" but deep down or even in the back of your mind if there is any doubt about what you are praying about, then you are not truly believing. Believing doesn't mean, you hope it will happen and in the back of your mind, there's no way this will happen, or this is too far of a stretch, or I don't deserve it, etc... All of these show that our Faith in our Prayers is not strong enough and that our Faith and Trust is God is Failing.
I don't doubt that you believe you love God. But our Trust and Faith are more determined by our actions and thought process. If you trust God to do certain things in your life but not others, you are selling yourself short of what a "God of Impossibilities" can do. God created the Earth and the Universe. If God can do these things, then why would He not be able to take of your simplest to the most complicated needs.
My heart lately has really just desired to listen to God. I think sometimes we need to just shut up and listen to God. He speaks to us in His creation, His word and sometimes He redirects our thinking to listening to Truths known by what we have learned in our past.
****Romans 8:26-27****
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;
27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
I Love verse 26. God tells us We don't know how to pray as we should. And God provides the Holy Spirit to Pray for Us. The Spirit GROANS too deep for words. That is my favorite part of the verse, GROANS TOO DEEP FOR WORDS. That just confirms the Awesomeness God IS! God prays for us! Of course we still have to pray, God wants us to communicate with him, but the Spirit takes our prayers to God and Prays for us in the way should be praying. God provides that connection. It is just so awesome to see how God just continues to Bless us in ways we never knew.
The more glimpses I get from the Bible, The more I want to know about God and his Awesomeness. There is a confidence that comes from knowing God's word. Our relationship with God grows as we listen and read. His word leads us closer to Him or corrects us or gives us another Promise of His Love for us.
I know it has been a long time since I have posted, but now that I have figured out a way to post from my e-mail I hope to be posting more often.
Thanks for reading
God Bless you and your Families

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