Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday - Long

Ok here is the LONG version of the Happy Birthday Video

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Michele
First Video is the Shorter Version of Everyone.
The Second Video is today's events and Michele's Reaction to the videos and the fun time we had at Wasabi's

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Nite Supper

Oh WOW what a night. We started Wednesday Night Supper again. Although we are not sure exactly how many we served, we are estimating 90! WOW! We had Baked Ziti with Meatballs, Roasted Potatoes, Salad, and Dessert (Peach Cobbler). Oh MY! The food was awesome, the people were awesome and God was Awesome. How could such a simple thing like eating be about God? Well, It's Simple really!

When we let God be first in everything we do, God shows his greatness. Todd is always emphasizing "Expect More" from our God. Well I Expected 80 and we got 90! The girls in the kitchen with me were funny. They said, Richard why does your faith have to be so faithful? I laughed and mentioned it was Todd's Fault. HA HA! Even though it was a funny moment, I believed God would deliver 80 people for supper tonight. I expected God to handle the #'s and money! He DID! Everything fell in to place.

I mentioned money because sometimes, WNS is sometimes difficult to budget each week. Sometimes we have to get supplies and the funds are not always there. This week, I spent $14 over my budget. God provided enough adults and the income took care of the overages. Next week we have a little to work with to get some supplies now. God really worked this one out for us.

Recently Michele and I had our niece with us for 6 weeks. We had to travel to Illinois 2 times. Every time we travel to Illinois it usually costs around $400 - $500, depending on gas prices. My salary alone does not cover 2 trips to Illinois within 2 months time. Anyways... Money fell really short this week, with rent due along with other bills. Last week early on, I told Michele, God will provide a way. Somehow I really believed it this time. Other times in the past, it was like going through the motions. I wanted to believe it but in the back of mind, I had doubt. This time because I truly believed God would provide, he made a way.

In the last several weeks, I have learned that if you truly believe with all your heart, mind and soul, God amazes us. He continues to be faithful to those who trust Him and are faithful to Him.

I am still learning little by little, day by day, walking closer to God and trusting Him more everyday. The more I trust the More He shows me that He is watching and rewarding me in different ways. The rewards from Heaven surpass the rewards of men.

Although every part of my body is aching right now, I always enjoy serving my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ at Church.

There is so much more that I want to Thank God for. I will write about those another time. ( if i remember to write that is... LOL )

As always Thank You for reading.
Your Brother In Christ